Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Sanskrit Proverbs and sayings /English Meaning /Part-2


     Sanskrit Proverbs 
  English Meaning 


आत्मानं विद्धि । 

Know thyself.

ज्ञानं हि बलम्।

Knowledge is power.

आ जागृविर्-विप्रः । 

He who is awake is wise.

न ज्ञानात् परमं चक्षुः।

Knowledge is the perfect eye.

अल्पविद्या महागुर्वी।

A little learning is big-headedness.

न विवेकं विना ज्ञानम्।

Conscience does not mature without knowledge.

अल्पविद्या भयंकरी।

A little learning is a dangerous thing.

किं मरणम्? मूर्खत्वम् ।

What is death really? It is folly.

सत्यं ज्ञानम् अनन्तं ब्रह्म । 

God is Truth, Wisdom, Absolute.

ज्ञानं भारः क्रियां विना।

Knowledge, without its proper application, is but a burden.

बुद्धिर्यस्य बलं तस्य। 

He who is intelligent is dominant.

न हि सर्वः सर्वं जानाति।

Everybody does not know everything.

मतिरेव बलाद् गरीयसी।

Knowledge is more powerful than physical strength.

शुद्धा हि बुद्धिः किल कामधेनुः।

Pure and refined intellect of man is the wish-fulfilling cow.

अन्नदानात् परं दानं विद्यादानम्।

Knowledge-giving is better than alms-giving.

किं किं न साधयति कल्पलतेव विद्या। 

Like wish-fulfilling creeper learing does fulfil what not!

विद्यातुराणां न सुखं न निद्रा ।

Thirst for knowledge gives neither rest nor contentment.

न हि ज्ञानेन सदृशं पवित्रमिह विद्यते।

In this world, nothing more sacred than 

enlightenment does remain.

ज्ञानेन हीनाः पशुभि: समाना: । 

Men without brain are not different from beasts.

द्वे विद्ये वेदितव्ये परा-अपरा च।

Two kinds of knowledge are to be ascerteaind - 

divine and mundane.

विद्याकामोऽथ वाल्मीकिं व्यासं वाप्यथ पूजयेत् ।

Do you like to achieve scholarship and culture? 

You have to pay tribute to Valmiki or Vyasa either.

कुर्वन्ति बोधसलिलेन शुचित्वमत्र ।

Noble souls solemnize themselves with the water of wisdom.

व्यासगिरां निर्यासं सारं विश्वस्य भारतं वन्दे।

I do honour the Bharata that is Mahabharata, 

which is Vyása's magnum opus - 

the central essence of the universe.

विद्या भोगकरी यश:-सुखकरी विद्या गुरूणां गुरुः। 

Education is for entertainment, for esteem, for pleasure. 

Education is the preceptor of all preceptors.

न च विद्यासमो बन्धुः/ न च व्याधिसमो रिपुः ।

No bosom friend like knowledge, 

no wicked foe like disease.

तद् विद्धि प्रणिपातेन परिप्रश्नेन सेवया ।

What is unknown is to be known by submission, 

by inquiring and by diligence.

अविद्यया मृत्युं तीत्वी / विद्यया अमृतमश्नुते। 

By knowledge man evades death and 

by wisdom secures immortality.

आन्वीक्षिकी त्रयी वाती दण्डनीतिश्च इति विद्या।

Philosophy and logic, the scriptures, 

the science of economics i.e. agriculture, 

livestock and trade, and the science of polity 

are the branches of learning.

दण्डनीतिर् एका विद्या।

There is only one science that is the science of state craft.

मनसा वा इयं वाक् धृता / मनो वा इदं पुरस्ताद् वाचः। 

Language is the expression of mind. Mind acts first, 

words follow behind.

श्रद्धावान् लभते ज्ञानं / तत्पर: संयतेन्दियः। 

He who is full of faith and devotion and 

sefl-controlled obtains sacred knowledge.

प्रज्ञा नवनवोन्मेषशालिनी प्रतिभा मता।

Genius is defined as super intellect that creates 

more and more things afresh and anew.

अज्ञता कस्य नामेह / नोपहासाय जायते।

Whom does not make idiocy a laughing stock?

विद्यया सह मर्तव्यं / कुशिष्याय न दापयेत् । 

Better to die keeping knowledge undelivered 

Than to deliver it to a disciple sub-standard.

वाग् वै मनसो हसीयसी। अपरिमिततरम् एव मनः,

परिमिततरम् एव हि वाक् ।

Language is inferior to mind. Mind is unlimited, 

language is limited.

स्वदेशे पूज्यते राजा / स्वगृहे पूज्यते मूर्ख: / विद्वान् सर्वत्र पूज्यते ।। 

A king is honoured in his own land, 

while a fool in his dwelling,

But all over the world a man of learning.

अपूर्व: कोऽपि भाण्डारो / दृश्यते तव भारति ।

व्यायतो वृद्धिमायाति / क्षयमायाति च सञ्चयात् ।।

O goddess of Learning, your fund, as it is seen, 

is strange indeed! It increases through expenditure, 

while decreases through accumulation.

आत्मबुद्धिः सुखायैव / गुरुबुद्धिर्विशेषतः। 

परबुद्धिर्विनाशाय / स्त्रीबुद्धि: प्रलयंकरी । 

One's own intelligence brings pleasure, 

Intelligence of the teacher gives delight super, 

Intelligence of the rival causes downfall, 

Intelligence of women brings ruin fatal.

अनन्तपारं किलं शब्दशास्त्रं / स्वल्पं तथायुर् बहवश्च विघ्रा:। 

सारं ततो ग्राह्यमपास्य फल्गु / हंसैर् यथा क्षीरमिवाम्बुमध्यात् ।। 

Verbal sciences have no end at all, Life is short, 

impediments innumerable; Reject non-sense 

and take essence there As swans 

extract milk mixed with water.


              Poetry and Literature

का विद्या कविता विना?

Without poetry intellect is impossible.

नाटकान्तं कवित्वम्।

Drama is the finest specimen of poetic art.

काव्येषु नाटकं रम्यम्।

Of all varieties of poetic creation 

drama is the most entertaining.

निरंकुशा: हि कवयः।

Poets are beyond all superficial limitations by intellect.

काव्यालापान् च वर्जयेत्।

Try to avoid the culture of literature.

लोकवृत्तानुकरणं नाट्यम्।

Drama is the imitation of form and action of 

all the worldly creation.

मतिदर्पणे कवीनां विश्वं प्रतिफलति ।

It is the mirror of intellect of the poets 

Where the boundless universe truly reflects.

पश्य देवस्य काव्यं न ममार न जीर्यति । 

Behold the universe-poetry of the poet master, 

It does neither perish nor wither.

नाट्यवेदं ततश्चक्रे पंचमं सार्ववर्णिकम्।

The Creator created drama as the fifth Veda for the 

entertainment of all classes of people of the society.

अन्नचिन्ता-चमत्कारकातरे कविता कुतः।

Is poetry worthy of any merit to one, though well-read, 

Who is troubled by the thoughts of eaming daily bread?

नानृषि: कविरित्युक्तः/ ऋषिश्च किल दर्शनात्।

A poet is never a non-seer (that is an ordinary 

onlooker); he is a seer because of his poetic vision.

साहित्यरसमाधुर्यं शङ्करो वेत्ति वा न वा।

Even Samkara, the Almighty, may or may not 

know the taste of poetry.

काव्यं यशसेऽर्थकृते व्यवहारविदे शिवेतरक्षतये।

सद्य: परनिर्वृतये कान्तासम्मिततयोपदेशयुजे।।

Poetry brings fame, wealth and worldly knowledge, 

Removes misfortunes and does instantly pledge 

The best of delight as well as good advice 

That's befitting to a loving spouse.

अपारे काव्यसंसारे कविरेक: प्रजापति: ।

यथा वै रोचते विश्वं तथेदं परिवर्तते।।

In this universe of poetic creation, the poet is the 

supreme creator since he can create anything and 

everything after his own image.

काव्यशास्त्रविनोदेन कालो गच्छति धीमताम् ।

व्यसनेन तु मूर्खाणां / निद्रया कलहेन वा।।

For the enlightened time passes through the delights 

of poetry, arts and science, while for the silly-billy 

through indulgence in evil-doing, sleeping and 



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