Friday, August 18, 2023

How to calculate percentage


How to calculate percentage

Calculating a percentage involves finding a portion of a whole amount relative to 100. Here's how to calculate a percentage:

Determine the Values: 
Identify the two values you'll be working with:The part (the portion you want to find the percentage of)
The whole (the total amount)

Write Down the Formula: 
The formula to calculate a percentage is: Percentage=PartWhole×100Percentage=WholePart​×100

Plug in Values and Calculate:
Divide the part by the whole.
Multiply the result by 100 to get the percentage.

For example, let's say you want to calculate the percentage of students who passed an exam.

If there were 75 students who passed out of a total of 100 students, you can calculate the

percentage as follows:


Percentage=75100×100Percentage=10075​×100 Percentage=0.75×100=75%Percentage=0.75×100=75%

So, 75% of the students passed the exam.

Keep in mind that percentages can also be used for other types of calculations, such as finding discounts, markups, interest rates, and more. The basic principle of finding a portion of a whole relative to 100 remains the same, but the specific formulas and calculations may vary depending on the context.

Remember, practice makes perfect. The more you work with percentages, the more comfortable you'll become with calculating them in various situations.

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