Saturday, December 30, 2023


1. A Piece of Cake: Something very easy.

2.Break the Ice: To initiate a conversation or a social interaction.

3.Bite the Bullet: To endure a painful or difficult situation.

4.Cost an Arm and a Leg: To be very expensive.

5.Hit the Nail on the Head: To describe something precisely or accurately.

6.Kill Two Birds with One Stone: To accomplish two things at the same time.

7.Let the Cat out of the Bag: To reveal a secret.

8.Rain Cats and Dogs: Heavy rain.

9.Steal Someone's Thunder: To take credit for someone else's work or idea.

10.Under the Weather: Feeling sick or unwell.

11.Burning the Midnight Oil: Working late into the night.

12.Catch 22: A situation with no ideal solution.

13.Don't Cry Over Spilled Milk: 

Don't worry about things that have already happened and can't be changed.

14.Elephant in the Room: 

An obvious problem or issue that everyone avoids discussing.

15.Fish Out of Water: Feeling uncomfortable in unfamiliar surroundings.

16.Grain of Salt: To take something with skepticism or doubt.

17.Jump on the Bandwagon: To join a popular trend or activity.

18.Kick the Bucket: To pass away or die.

19.Needle in a Haystack: Something extremely difficult to find.

20.Out of the Blue: Unexpectedly.

21.Play It by Ear: To decide or act without planning in advance.

22.Raining Cats and Dogs: Heavy rain.

23.Shoot the Breeze: To have a casual conversation.

24.Spill the Beans: To disclose a secret.

25.Take with a Grain of Salt: To not completely believe something.

26.Whole Nine Yards: Everything, all the way, completely.

27. A Blessing in Disguise:

Something that seems bad but turns out to be good.

28.Break a Leg: Good luck.

29.Cut to the Chase: Get to the point.

30.Easy as Pie: Very easy.

31.Give the Benefit of the Doubt:

To believe someone's statement without being critical.

32.Hit the Hay: To go to bed or sleep.

33.Let Sleeping Dogs Lie: To avoid stirring up old conflicts or issues.

34.Piece of Cake: Very easy.

35.Rub Salt in the Wound:

To make a situation even worse for someone who is already upset.

36.Sick as a Dog: Very sick.

37.Time Flies When You're Having Fun: 

Time seems to pass quickly when you're enjoying yourself.

38.A Penny for Your Thoughts: Asking someone what they are thinking about.

39.Back to Square One: Starting over from the beginning.

40.Cost an Arm and a Leg: Very expensive.

41.Go the Extra Mile: To make an additional effort.

42.Hit the Sack: To go to bed or sleep.

43. Like a Fish Out of Water: Feeling uncomfortable in a new situation.

44. Put All Your Eggs in One Basket: 

To invest everything in one plan or idea.

45. Spill the Beans: To reveal a secret.

46. Take It with a Grain of Salt: To not completely believe something.

47. A Dime a Dozen: Very common and easy to find.

48. A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words: 

A visual representation can convey complex ideas more effectively than words.

49. Bite Off More Than You Can Chew: 

To take on a task that is too big or difficult to handle.

50. Cry Wolf: To give a false alarm.

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